In this article, we are going to learn how to register an app/add-in in SharePoint online. If you have created a Sharepoint provider-hosted add-in or other SharePoint solution and to access the SharePoint site or list using the app/add-in you need to register the add-in on SharePoint and to grant permission.
Register app in SharePoint
1. Login into SharePoint and Navigate to register an app page. Use the URL mentioned below:
[Sitecollection URL]/_layouts/15/appregnew.aspx
2. Once you navigate to the Register app page, a form will open.
4. You will redirect to another page where you will find all the details related to the add-in/app. Save the details for the future.
Grant permission to Add-in/App
1. It's necessary to grant permission to add-in/app to perform any action. Navigate to
[Sitecollection URL]/_layouts/15/appinv.aspx
2 Once you navigate to the permission page, a form will open.
Now write Client id and click on Lookup, Once you click on lookup all the details will fill automatically. You need to fill the permission XML and after filling the permission XML hits the create button. In this example, we write XML to assign full control permission to the add-in/app.
You will redirect to the another page, where details related to the permission are mentioned. Click on Trust.
The app is registered and permission is granted to the app. You can check the app on the Site app permission page.
You can access all the SharePoint stuff using the Client ID and Client Secret from your code.
Register app in SharePoint
1. Login into SharePoint and Navigate to register an app page. Use the URL mentioned below:
[Sitecollection URL]/_layouts/15/appregnew.aspx
2. Once you navigate to the Register app page, a form will open.
You need to fill all the fields on the form. Client Id and Client Secret generated when we click on the generate button available next to the fields.
Title: Name of the add-in which you want to give.
App Domain: Where your domain is hosted, for the local environment you can place "". Do not include HTTP or HTTPS in App Domain.
Redirect URL: Insert the redirect URL, for the local environment put
3. Once you fill the form, click on the create to Register app.
Grant permission to Add-in/App
1. It's necessary to grant permission to add-in/app to perform any action. Navigate to
[Sitecollection URL]/_layouts/15/appinv.aspx
2 Once you navigate to the permission page, a form will open.
Now write Client id and click on Lookup, Once you click on lookup all the details will fill automatically. You need to fill the permission XML and after filling the permission XML hits the create button. In this example, we write XML to assign full control permission to the add-in/app.
You will redirect to the another page, where details related to the permission are mentioned. Click on Trust.
The app is registered and permission is granted to the app. You can check the app on the Site app permission page.
You can access all the SharePoint stuff using the Client ID and Client Secret from your code.
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