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SharePoint user profile fields with their internal name.

We can update the SharePoint user profile fields manually or programmatically. Also using a power shell, we can update the user profile fields. For updating the SharePoint user profile field need to enable the Allow users to edit values for this property, SharePoint Admin can enable this property.

Display Name  Actual Name Type

Id UserProfile_GUID Unique Identifier
SID SID binary
Active Directory Id ADGuid binary
Account name AccountName Person
First name FirstName string single value
Phonetic First Name SPS-PhoneticFirstName string single value
 Last name LastName string single value
Phonetic Last Name SPS-PhoneticLastName string single value
Name PreferredName string single value
Phonetic Display Name SPS-PhoneticDisplayName string single value
Title Title string single value
Manager Manager Person
 Picture PictureURL URL
Data source SPS-DataSource string single value
About Me AboutMe HTML
Department Department ‪string (Single Value)‬
Department SPS-Department ‪string (Single Value)‬
Quick links QuickLinks ‪string (Single Value)‬
Web site WebSite URL
Job Title SPS-JobTitle ‪string (Single Value)‬
User name UserName ‪string (Single Value)‬
Personal site PersonalSpace URL
MemberOf  SPS-MemberOf ‪string (Multi Value)‬
SIP Address  SPS-SipAddress ‪string (Single Value)‬
My Site Upgrade SPS-MySiteUpgrade ‪boolean‬
Don't Suggest List SPS-DontSuggestList Person
Proxy addresses SPS-ProxyAddresses string(Multi Value)
 Display Order SPS-DisplayOrder integer
Claim User Identifier  SPS-ClaimID string single value
Claim Provider Identifier SPS-ClaimProviderID string single value
Last Colleague Added SPS-LastColleagueAdded date
Outlook Web Access URL SPS-OWAUrl URL
Resource Forest SID SPS-ResourceSID binary
User Principal Name SPS-UserPrincipalName string single value
First Run Experience SPS-O15FirstRunExperience Integer
Personal Site Instantiation State SPS-PersonalSiteInstantiationState Integer
Distinguished Name SPS-DistinguishedName string single value
Source Object Distinguished Name SPS-SourceObjectDN string(Multi Value)
Last Keyword Added SPS-LastKeywordAdded date
Claim Provider Type SPS-ClaimProviderType string single value
Saved Account Name SPS-SavedAccountName string single value
Saved SID SPS-SavedSID binary
Ask Me About SPS-Responsibility string(Multi Value)
Object Exists SPS-ObjectExists string single value
Personal Site Capabilities SPS-PersonalSiteCapabilities integer
SPS-PersonalSiteFirstCreationTime SPS-PersonalSiteFirstCreationTime date time
SPS-PersonalSiteLastCreationTime SPS-PersonalSiteLastCreationTime date time
SPS-PersonalSiteNumberOfRetries SPS-PersonalSiteNumberOfRetries integer
SPS-PersonalSiteFirstCreationError SPS-PersonalSiteFirstCreationError string single value
Feed service provider defined identifier SPS-FeedIdentifier string single value
Contact Information 
Work email WorkEmail e mail
Mobile phone CellPhone string single value
Fax Fax string single value
Home phone HomePhone string single value
Office Office string single value
Office Location SPS-Location string single value
Assistant Assistant Person
Past projects SPS-PastProjects string(Multi Value)
Skills SPS-Skills string(Multi Value)
Schools SPS-School string(Multi Value)
Birthday SPS-Birthday date no year
Status Message SPS-StatusNotes string single value
Interests SPS-Interests string(Multi Value)

Newsfeed settings 
Followed #Tags SPS-HashTags string(Multi Value)
Email Notifications SPS-EmailOptin integer
People I follow SPS-PrivacyPeople boolean
Activities I want to share in my newsfeed SPS-PrivacyActivity integer
Picture Timestamp SPS-PictureTimestamp string single value
Picture Placeholder State SPS-PicturePlaceholderState integer
Picture Exchange Sync State SPS-PictureExchangeSyncState integer
Language and Region
Language Preferences SPS-MUILanguages string single value
Content Languages SPS-ContentLanguages string single value
Time Zone SPS-TimeZone time  zone
Choose your settings SPS-RegionalSettings-FollowWeb boolean
Locale SPS-Locale integer
Set Your Calendar SPS-CalendarType integer
Enable An Alternate Calendar SPS-AltCalendarType integer
Show Week Numbers SPS-ShowWeeks boolean
Define Your Work Week SPS-WorkDays integer
Work Day Start Hour SPS-WorkDayStartHour integer
Work Day End Hour SPS-WorkDayEndHour integer
Time Format SPS-Time24 boolean
First Day of Week SPS-FirstDayOfWeek integer
First Week of Year SPS-FirstWeekOfYear integer
Use language and regional settings SPS-RegionalSettings-Initialized boolean


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