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Showing posts from March, 2019

SharePoint Designer workflow error : server side activities have been updated. you need to restart sharepoint designer to use the updated version of activities.

While working with SharePoint designer at the time of creating custom forms and workflows, on editing the workflow or creating new one, error occurred and stated as : "server side activities have been updated. you need to restart sharepoint designer to use the updated version of activities." to resolve this error follow steps provided below. Before moving on the steps mentioned below some time it's needed to clear the cache. First clear the cache from locations mentioned below: %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Web Server Extensions\Cache %APPDATA%\Microsoft\SharePoint Designer\ProxyAssemblyCache %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WebsiteCache %APPDATA%\Microsoft\SharePoint Designer Steps to resolve this problem: To resolve this issue you need to update the SharePoint designer and to do so you have to follow this two steps : 1. Check whether the Microsoft SharePoint 2013 service pack 1 is installed or not in your system.If not Please download it and inst...

Run commands for Windows user.

Windows user can do all the task and  use all the tools and get access to control panel in quick way using Run command window. To open run command window, press win + R key. Some most common and useful windows run command are as follow: cmd = To open command prompt ncpa.cpl = open network connections sysdm.cpl = open system properties timedate.cpl= open date and time properties powercfg.cpl = power management mmsys.cpl = open sound properties main.cpl= mouse properties desk.cpl= display properties joy.cpl = open game controller inetcpl.cpl = internet properties main.cpl keyboard = keyboard properties firewall.cpl= if you want to manage the windows firewall settings services.msc = open the service console. mstsc =  use this command to open the remote desktop connection. msinfo32 = using this command we can get the system information,open the system information calc = to open the calculator. devmgmt.msc= windows device manager, where you...